Soulaire Circulation is an advanced version of Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP®), an FDA-cleared technology. It combines external compression pulsing with the body’s natural heart rhythm. As your heart rests, cuffs inflate to squeeze and increase blood flow throughout the entire body. This beneficial increase in circulation regenerates, recharges, and balances all six primary systems of the human body: Vascular, Organ, Nervous, Lymph, Muscular, and Skeletal.
Soulaire Circulation will help you accomplish the following:
Soulaire Circulation (derived from EECP), is an FDA- cleared, non-invasive therapy that works as you lie on a comfortable bed. Three large blood pressure-like cuffs wrap around your calves, thighs and buttocks. You’re connected to a 3-lead EKG monitor.
Working with the rhythm of your heart, the cuffs sequentially inflate when your heart is at rest (diastole). When your heart pumps (systole), the cuffs deflate. These cuffs squeeze the blood from your lower extremities to your heart (creating the mechanism of a second heart) while decreasing your blood pressure and heart rate (workload of the heart).
Here is a step-by-step look at the process of this safe and non-surgical therapy:
Soulaire Circulation Benefits These Conditions
©2025 All Rights Reserved • Soulaire Corporation
EECP is a registered trademark of Vasomedical, Inc.
DISCLAIMER: Soulaire Wellness does not provide any medical advice or services. No material on this website is intended to be a substitute for any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your healthcare provider if you have any medical issues.